How to Integrate Payment Gateway in Flutter Apps?

How to Integrate Payment Gateway in Flutter Apps?

A cross-platform flutter app developers can build native-looking Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. That's why the flutter application development market is gaining popularity for its fast development speed and attractive UI.

A few options are available if you're looking to add a payment gateway integration to your Flutter app. This blog post will look at integrating the popular Stripe payment gateway into a Flutter app.

Well, you can integrate any of the payment gateways into Flutter, like:

  • Razorpay

  • Stripe

  • Google Pay

  • Apple Pay

  • Cashfree

  • Paytm

  • PayG

  • Paystake

Flutter is changing and improving; get to know what it acquired in 2022 and the future: Future of Flutter in 2022 & Beyond

In this blog, I am doing payment gateway integration of Stripe as an example.

Stripe Payment Gateway integration in Flutter

We all know that Stripe is a global payment platform for enterprises and individuals sending and receiving payments. It manages all the security, fees, and deposits, including credit card payments.

Stripe Features

  • Integratable Checkout

  • Various Currency Payouts

  • Dispute Resolution

  • Payout Period

  • Toolset for Custom UI

How to do payment gateway integration of Stripe in Flutter (Step by Step)

**Step 1: **Go to Dashboard > Sign in Step 2: Select any mode (Live or test) for the API key Step 3: Go to Dashboard > API keys > Generate Key (You have to make separate API Keys for live and test mode too) (Implementation) Complete steps are given below Step 4: Add dependencies Step 5: Import **Step 6: **Run flutter packages in your app's root directory Step 7: Minimum version requirement check **Step 8: **Turn on MultiDex Step 6: Enable Android

Implementation of Stripe

Step 4: Add dependencies

In Pubspec---yaml file, 
add dependencies:
stripe_payment: ^1.1.4

Step 5: Importing

Here we are importing stripe_payment.dart file.

import 'package:stripe_payment/stripe_payment.dart';

Step 6: In the App's Root directory, run flutter packages

Step 7: Check/Change Minimum Version Requirement

Change the following things in android/app/build.gradle file

minSdkVersion 19
compileSdkVersion 28

Step 8: Enable MultiDex

In the file app/build. gradle turn on Multidex.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28
    defaultConfig {
        // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
        applicationId "com.example.flutterstripepaymentdemo"
        minSdkVersion 19
        targetSdkVersion 28
        versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
        versionName flutterVersionName
        multiDexEnabled true

Now, add MultiDex dependencies.

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
    implementation ''

Step 9: Enable AndoridX

Add the below code in the file gradle. Properties


How To Implement Code in Dart File?

Quick flow steps of implementing code:

  • Setting up options

  • Creating source

  • Creating token with a card form

  • Creating token with card

  • Confirming payment intent

  • Setting up for native payment like android pay or apple pay

Setting up options

We will need a secret key and publishable key. So, first, we will log in to stripe and change the mode to test mode. The Flutter app will be connected to the stripe account using the publishable key and merchant id. To add the stripe_payment package, you can go here.

Now, let's connect the Stripe with the Flutter app by the below code.

initState() {
          merchantId: "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"
          androidPayMode: 'test'

Creating Source

  • Create Source with Params

  • Create a Stripe project and account

  • To integrate the flutter application with the Stripe payment gateway, retrieve a publishable key from the Stripe dashboard and use it there.

Creating Source.png

Your Payment Source object will also be displayed when you push the RaisedButton. Then, visit your browser's Stripe test payment page to authorize a transaction.

Creating Token with Card Form

In this method/step, card details will be saved for payments.

Creating Token with Card Form.png

A card form popup will be shown when you press RaisedButton.

strip payment demo.png

Creating Token with Card

We will try to make a test card like the one below for demo purposes.

final CreditCard testCard = CreditCard(
  number: '9111111119111111',
  expMonth: 12,
  expYear: 26,

Now, if you press the RaisedButton, the card details will be shown with Id, country code, and token id.

Creating Token with Card Form.png

Confirming Payment Intent

In this step/method, we will add a secret key from a stripe account like the one below.

Confirming Payment Intent.png

Native Payment

For Native payments, add merchant ids. It is applicable for Android pay and Apple pay.

Native Payment.png

The whole code file:

The whole code file.png

Well, this was all about Payment Gateway Integration of Stripe in Flutter. The same you can do with PayPal with Flutter in Flutter App Development. If you are in flutter application development and want to know exciting things about future Flutter, head to this blog: Future of Flutter in 2022 & Beyond

Final Words

This blog was about Payment Gateway Integration with Flutter in Flutter app development. This blog provided a step-by-step guide for stripe integration in Flutter. Suppose you want the same guide on PayPal, RazorPay, Braintree, and Flutterwave to Payment Gateway Integration with Flutter. Just comment below. I hope you liked reading it!

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