Improving Swift Code Readability With SwiftLint

Improving Swift Code Readability With SwiftLint

We all use such tools to bring consistency, accuracy, and efficiency to our projects. It manages things more easily, like adding functionalities or applying rules.

Error is the part of programming, and you can only eliminate them. Linting is a term to define the practice of automated source code checking. The Linter tool is used to figure out consequences and issues, manage code readability, and kick out errors and bug events.

SwiftLint is a command line tool that enables easy customization by writing simple code lines. Whether working individually or in a team, SwiftLint is outstanding in showing the compile time warnings/ errors. It also presents some suggestions, like how you should resolve the inconsistency of the project workflow.

It's common to type curly braces, semicolons, wrong header files, or syntax lines.

SwiftLint is a tool that can manage such scenarios. When you work as a team, numerous people are involved in the same project. They have different approaches and styles to present the codes. Be it Xcode, XML, or JSON format swiftLint generate the output for all.

SwiftLint enveloped many opportunities for developers. We list them in bullet points:

  • Your partner guides you about what's wrong and right at each build phase. You can read the available rule and compare it with your conventions.

  • Whenever you enable or disable any rule, be clear with purpose. Otherwise, it will occur confusion in the future.

  • Please review the GitHub releases after an interval to confirm the rules change.

  • Find the difference in how they are modified. Is the modification better than the previous one?

  • Understand the functionality of each rule and its parameters and how they behave in some cases.

  • If there are lint errors or warnings related to building failure, then integrate the CI, and install any plugin on Jenkins. Pass some basic understood arguments like failedTotalNormal, and failedTotalHigh. Alternatively, you can practice with the pre-commit git hooks and render auto-message alerts concerning pull requests.

Review the elements, metrics, and charts if you are focused on agile development. SwiftLint integration would be handy to figure out the main branch for the short term and long term.

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Set up SwiftLint to manage the code complexity

SwiftLint is an open-source tool that helped the iOS developers team. It inspects and analyzes the customized rules and pops up the warnings and errors. Here the rules are some patterns added to your code.

A unique name specifies each rule. Each rule has specific nature; it triggers the warning or compiles time error in case of violation of any rule. Developers have the accessibility to modify the code's character and details.

To improve the code readability, you need to do a package installation. Subsequently, you need to launch a phase for the project build. There is a collection of applied rules to fulfill the different purposes. A random default action will run on the SwiftLint YAML file to check the rules. Prioritize the practices per your preferences, and decide which to turn off/on.

By setting up the SwiftLint, you can scan project file directories, select some more rules, and enable or disable the preset rules.

Exclude violent project file directories

Some swiftLint rules get disturbed because of unnecessary file directories. These file directories do not create by you but by the code generators. To avoid discomfort and drive consistency, you have the way.

You need to access swiftLint.yaml file and exclude those violent directories. Another way you can apply some specific rules to manage the code structure.

Previous, this, and next are commonly used rules.

file name

Things become more manageable when you mention things correctly. To maintain the project's relevancy, you should sync the file system with the relevant class name. Assigning the same name for file and class will make navigation easier.

Organize modifier

SwiftLint allows you to well-organize the modifiers and maintain project consistency.


It's launched with the Swift 4.2 version and is listed as a rule contributor.

WhiteSpace Warnings/ Errors

SwiftLint offers autocorrect features to fix errors or bad code. But it's limited to only specific code text patterns.

Usually, we aren't concerned about whitespace, but it can also throw ambiguity when setting up the SwiftLint, and accessing the autocorrect accessibility is worth it. In other terms, it makes things logically verified and sophisticated.

Disallow Interface Builder

If at some moment you want to take a break from the interface builder, then you can apply the disallow rule for @IBOutlet & @IBAction

Additional arrangement for SwiftLint compiled Unix Executable file.

Experienced developers advise launching the SwiftLint on a local Mac. It is done to avoid security vulnerabilities and inconsistent versioning updates. If you don't want to get into such events and maintain the consistent code, then we access the shared submodule where we put up the compiled Unix executable file.

When we make changes to the shared submodule of the YAML file reflects and manages both the build machine and developer end. Any team can access this module and override the rules collection to align with the project needs.



# Placeholder file to request linting with the default config

if test -f "$CUSTOM_YML"; then
  echo "Using custom swiftlint YML at $CUSTOM_YML"
  ${SRCROOT}/build_tools/linting/swiftlint --config ${SRCROOT}/Config/swiftlint.yml
elif test -f "$DEFAULT_FLAG"; then
  echo "Using the default lint config in build_tools"
  ${SRCROOT}/build_tools/linting/swiftlint --config ${SRCROOT}/build_tools/linting/swiftlint.yml

Restrict Unused private declarations

No need to consume the codebase space with no-frequent and new private declaration code lines.

Multiple configurations

Feel free to access or inherit the rules set from another available SwiftLint yaml file. It is like the parent-child relationship practice, or you can use multiple configurations. It helps to manage the team-wide and project-specific configuration and extend the accessibilities.

- force_cast

- force_cast

You can apply this child-parent config or local and remote paths. Share the references as child_config and parent_config.

While doing this, please specify the URLs and included and excluded configurations.

You can apply custom rules around some basic functions and override their actions or nature.

For further implementation, you can access the above link.

Whenever the new app development project starts, the priority is clean code. So that in any circumstances, other developers can understand and proceed further. The developers should focus on a style that everyone can get comfortable with now and in the future without violating the structure.

Clean code makes things easier for developers if they are about to revamp the app. Work on the code convention in which every team member will participate and share their inputs. Please launch the SwiftLint from the initial stage of any project and eliminate any controversial development issues.

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