ReactJS vs. VueJS:- Compare the Best Choice for Server-side Rendering

ReactJS vs. VueJS:- Compare the Best Choice for Server-side Rendering

ReactJS vs. VueJS

Javascript turned out as a versatile choice for front-end and server-side development. The availability of resources, tools, libraries, and frameworks keeps them in demand globally.

All JS frameworks are gaining record-breaking successes and driving optimum results for the business. We bring this blog to compare the two most trending JS resources, Vue JS developers and reactJS developers rely on.

People often confuse whether React JS is a framework or a library. We want to declare that it's an open-source library to launch rich user interfaces. Hire react js developers can complete the projects in less time with the help of reusable custom components. It speedup up the webpage rendering and makes it fit the SEO standards. A business or enterprise with complex project requirements can practice with this framework.

Vue JS is a prominent and progressive tool for UI design & development. It is a flexible framework to integrate with other project libraries. However, it similarly focuses on the view layer concept like React JS.

The major difference between the two is React is a library, and Vue is the framework.

Why React Js and Vue JS are in demand?

React, and Vue JS enables typescript support with HTML and JSX syntax writeups. Apart from that, React JS and Vue JS both have advantages that attract a larger community base. We share some stats to give you a clear idea of its popularity and why most Vue JS developers and ReactJs developers and businesses rely on both.

  • According to GitHub stats, React JS popularity is approx 42.62%, while Vue JS has a base of 18.82%.

  • Shopify, Airbnb, Uber, and Pinterest are all big companies using React JS.

  • Xiaomi, Adobe, Alibaba, and GitLab are accessing Vue support.

Check this image to understand the trend of React Js VueJS:

Reasons to use React Js

Simple Learning Curve

Anyone familiar with the HTML, CSS, and fundamentals of JS can learn React JS. Even if you are a beginner ReactJS developer in the programming domain, react js would be easier.


It is the latest inclusion in the new version of React 18. You can prior the tasks as per your preferences and manage the rendering. In simple words, you are allowed to interact between two processes and set states according to convenience, enhancing the app's responsiveness and performance.

Suspense APIs

It features better performance for the scenarios of slow networks and devices. It is one of the worthwhile inclusion for developers and users. With these APIs, users will be informed about the response. It reduces the burden of browser resources and allows developers to launch more responsive UIs. Hire ReactJs developers to practice this.

Reusable Component

You can use the existing code components as per your project requirements throughout the application structure. It drives the efficiency and versatility of your application by repurposing the codes and relieves spare time and effort for development and testing.

JSX Syntax

Developers' community found react JS comparatively simple from recent trending front-end frameworks and libraries. It has a unique syntax that eliminates the complexities of working comfortably with HTML and JS. React JS comes with a well-defined lifecycle curve and follows a component-based approach.

Automatic Batching

The feature comes with React 18 2022 update. This an exciting update to upgrade app performance and experience for state management.

In the previous version, batching was allowed only for event handlers, but now we can group the state updates and re-render altogether in a single attempt to update the new values. In addition, this accessibility is also applicable to batch timeout and promises.


It is a myth that JS-based frameworks would not be suitable for SEO. React JS offers smooth browser-side rendering of the webpage and virtual DOM and server-side rendering.

If you want to complete the large-scale project idea, hire react js developers. Let's understand the significant reasons to use Vue js. One that makes it demanding is excellent for progressive web application development.

Reasons to choose Vue JS


One refresh will update the states of UIs; no need to attempt reloading the webpage. It drives efficiency and cut off unnecessary time.

Virtual DOM

Vue offers a faster response time through the virtual DOM structure. It reduces the webpage load, driving smoothness and top-notch performance on the browser side. This feature is similar to react JS application, where they eliminate the need to reload the entire webpage for data manipulation.

Composition APIs

Like, React Hooks, Vue JS composition API enables it to work with the imported functions. It changes the way to write code with logic and components. It's available as a plug-in to drive this new accessibility to your older projects.

Pinia-State Management Library

Vue2 and Vue3 developers can use ‘Pinia.’ It eliminates the count of boilerplate and autocompletes data types. It is lightweight and compatible with both versions, Vue2 and Vue3, and also available as a plugin to enhance functionality.

Quick Project Launch

You can start any project from scratch using the new toolkit Vite. To initiate the Vite as a tool, create-vue scaffolding. Initiate the configuration installation and begin the projects.

Similarities in React JS and Vue JS

  • Both resources offer HTML page rendering using a virtual DOM and eliminate the dependability on the browser side.

  • It supports the declarative approach of DOM manipulation and improves web app performances.

  • Be it single-page or multipage web apps/ websites, can easily integrate both tools with existing frameworks and development environments.

  • Both are developer-friendly frameworks.

  • Both are flexible, lightweight and inherit the component-based architecture.

Which is better for server-side rendering: React JS vs Vue JS?

React JS is globally famous for launching web and mobile applications UIs. It offers so many wonderful accessibilities as a library, but there's still a debate on various topics. One of the hot topics is server-side rendering which is best between Vue JS and Reacts JS.

Vue wins the battle with a rich base of in-built SSR accessibilities. Additionally, it offers a step-to-step detailed overview for easy implementation. In contrast, react JS relies on third-party libraries to manage the server-side rendering. Hire Vue js developer for better server-side rendering practice for projects.

Final Thoughts:

Vue JS and React JS evolved over the years. Both offer top-notch robustness, flexibility, performance, and comfortable state management. It accelerates the project build process and user experience. React JS has a comparatively big base in the community contributing to making it a leading front-end tool; Netflix uses both tools to operate its business.

We have enveloped the features that will help to manage small-scale and large-scale projects. You can practice with anyone for your business needs. Hire react js developers from Quokkalabs for impressive development projects.

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